My | last name | is | Jhons. |
Your | real name | is | Alexander. |
His / Her | mother's name | is | Isabel. |
Our / Their | house | is | very big. |
Its | title | is | Project. |
Possessive adjectives are used to show ownership or relationships between people or things. When combined with the verb "be," they help describe to whom something belongs or who is related to whom. The verb "be" helps indicate the state or condition of the possession. Possessive adjectives are used before a noun to modify it.
Useful Expressions
My - Used to indicate something that belongs to the speaker.
- Example: My book is on the table.
Your - Used to indicate something that belongs to the person being spoken to (singular or plural).
- Example: Your car is new.
His - Used to indicate something that belongs to a male person.
- Example: His house is big.
Her - Used to indicate something that belongs to a female person.
- Example: Her dress is beautiful.
Its - Used to indicate something that belongs to a non-personal object or animal.
- Example: Its tail is fluffy.
Our - Used to indicate something that belongs to the speaker and at least one other person.
- Example: Our team is winning.
Their - Used to indicate something that belongs to a group of people.
- Example: Their garden is lovely.
- I am happy with my new phone.
- You are excited about your vacation.
- He is proud of his achievements.
- She is thrilled with her new job.
- It is happy with its new toy.
- We are satisfied with our project.
- They are pleased with their results.
Questions and Answers
Q: How do you show that something belongs to "I"?
A: You use "my" For example, "My book is on the desk."
Q: What is the possessive adjective for "you" (singular)?
A: The possessive adjective is "your" For example, "Your pen is on the table."
Q: How do you ask about someone's belongings using "he"?
A: You ask, "Is this his?" For example, "Is this his jacket?"
Q: What is the possessive adjective for "we"?
A: The possessive adjective is "our" For example, "Our family is visiting."
Q: How do you say "their house" in a question form?
A: You ask, "Is this their house?"
Q: How do you respond to "Is this its food?"
A: "Yes, it is its food" or "No, it is not its food".
A: Hi Sarah! How are you today?
B: Hi! I’m doing well, thanks. I just finished reading my new book.
A: That’s great! Is your book interesting?
B: Yes, it is. I really like it. By the way, have you seen my cat?
A: No, I haven’t. But I think it’s in the living room. Is it playing with its toy?
B: Yes, it is. My cat loves that toy. What about your dog?
A: My dog is in the backyard. He is playing with his ball.
B: Sounds like they’re having fun. Are you and your family going out later?
A: Yes, we are. Our plans are to visit the park.
B: That sounds nice. Have a great time!
A: Thanks, you too!