It's on Monday. / On Mondays. (Every Monday) / On Tuesday night. | Day of the week. |
It's in the morning. / afternoon. / evening. / It's at night. | Period of the day. |
It's at 8:30. / at noon. | Specific time. |
It's from 4:00 to 5:30. / From Tuesday to Saturday. | Length of time (start to finish). |
Prepositions of time are used to indicate when something happens. They help specify the time something occurs, whether it is a specific point, a duration, or a regular occurrence. Common prepositions of time include "at," "on," "in," "by," and "during." These prepositions help provide clarity about time-related aspects in sentences.
Useful Expressions
At - Used for specific times of the day, holidays, and festivals.
- Example: at 5 PM, at Christmas
On - Used for days of the week, dates, and special days.
- Example: on Monday, on August 15th, on my birthday
In - Used for longer periods such as months, years, centuries, and long periods of time.
- Example: in July, in 2024, in the 19th century
By - Used to indicate a deadline or the end of a time period.
- Example: by next week, by 5 PM
During - Used to indicate something happening within a period of time.
- Example: during the summer, during the meeting
- The meeting starts at 10 AM.
- She will finish her project by Friday.
- We usually go on vacation in August.
- They met on January 1st.
- I like to read during the evening.
- The store is closed at Christmas.
- He was born in 1990.
- We will arrive by 8 PM.
Questions and Answers
Q: How do you ask about the specific time of an event?
A: Use "What time" followed by the verb and subject. For example, "What time does the train leave?"
Q: How do you ask about the day an event occurs?
A: Use "When" followed by the verb and subject. For example, "When is your birthday?"
Q: How do you ask about a time period?
A: Use "How long" or "During what time" followed by the verb. For example, "How long will you be on vacation?"
Q: How do you respond to "When does the class start?"
A: "The class starts at 9 AM".
Q: How do you respond to "When is the deadline for the report?"
A: "The deadline is by next Monday".
Q: How do you respond to "When did you move to this city?"
A: "I moved here in 2015".
Q: How do you ask about events happening within a period?
A: Use "What happened during" followed by the period. For example, "What happened during the meeting?"
A: Hi Alice, when is the presentation due?
B: The presentation is due by next Wednesday.
A: Got it. What time will the presentation start?
B: It starts at 2 PM.
A: Great. Are we meeting on the day of the presentation?
B: Yes, we will meet on Wednesday morning to finalize everything.
A: Perfect. What will you be doing during the week before the presentation?
B: I’ll be preparing the slides and rehearsing. I usually work on them in the evenings.
A: Sounds like a plan. Will you have any help?
B: Yes, my colleague will assist me during the preparation.
A: Excellent. Let me know if you need anything else.
B: Will do. Thanks!