

 In this lesson, we will explore how to talk about selling clothes, whether it's at a garage sale, online, or to a secondhand store. You will learn essential vocabulary, expressions for negotiating prices, and phrases to describe the condition of clothing. Additionally, you will understand grammar structures for offering items for sale and answering questions about them.


  1. Present Simple for Descriptions:

    • Use the present simple tense to describe the items you are selling.
    • Examples:
      • "I want to sell this jacket."
      • "These pants are brand new."
  2. Modals for Offers and Requests:

    • Use modals like “can,” “would,” or “may” for polite offers and negotiations.
    • Examples:
      • "Would you like to buy this shirt?"
      • "Can you offer a lower price?"
  3. Adjectives for Describing Condition:

    • Use adjectives to describe the condition of the clothes you are selling.
    • Examples:
      • "This dress is in excellent condition."
      • "The jacket is slightly worn, but still in good shape."
  4. Imperative Sentences for Suggestions:

    • Use imperative sentences to give suggestions or instructions when selling clothes.
    • Examples:
      • "Take a look at this!"
      • "Feel free to try it on."


  1. Sell – To exchange something for money.
  2. Clothes – Items of clothing, such as shirts, pants, dresses, etc.
  3. Secondhand – Clothes that have been previously owned or worn.
  4. Condition – The state of something, whether it’s new, used, or worn out.
  5. Price – The amount of money something costs.
  6. Offer – A suggestion for a price, often in negotiations.
  7. Tag – A small label with the price or size of an item.
  8. Discount – A reduction in the price of something.
  9. Bargain – A good deal, often after negotiating a lower price.
  10. Try on – To put on clothes to see if they fit or look good.

Useful Expressions:

  1. "I’m selling these clothes, are you interested?"
  2. "Would you like to buy this jacket?"
  3. "This shirt is in great condition!"
  4. "I’m offering a discount on these pants."
  5. "Feel free to try them on before buying."
  6. "How much would you like to offer?"
  7. "This is slightly worn, but still good quality."
  8. "Can I get a lower price for this dress?"
  9. "These shoes are brand new, never worn."
  10. "What price are you willing to pay?"


  1. "I want to sell these clothes because I don’t wear them anymore."
  2. "This jacket is still in excellent condition."
  3. "I’m offering a 20% discount on these jeans."
  4. "You can try on this dress to see if it fits."
  5. "The price for this sweater is $30."
  6. "Can I make you an offer for these shoes?"
  7. "These clothes are all secondhand, but they look almost new."
  8. "I’d like to sell this coat for $50."
  9. "How much are you willing to pay for this T-shirt?"
  10. "This tag shows the original price, but I’ll give you a discount."

Questions and Answers:

  1. Q: How much are you selling this jacket for?

    • A: I’m selling it for $25, but I can negotiate.
  2. Q: Is this dress new or secondhand?

    • A: It’s secondhand, but in great condition.
  3. Q: Can I try on these shoes before buying them?

    • A: Of course, feel free to try them on.
  4. Q: What’s the lowest price you’ll accept for these pants?

    • A: I can lower the price to $15.
  5. Q: Are there any discounts on this shirt?

    • A: Yes, I’m offering a 10% discount.
  6. Q: How much do you want for this coat?

    • A: I’m asking for $50, but we can discuss the price.
  7. Q: Is this sweater still in good condition?

    • A: Yes, it’s only been worn a few times, and it looks new.
  8. Q: Can you sell these clothes as a bundle for a lower price?

    • A: Sure! We can negotiate a better price if you take several items.
  9. Q: Are these clothes available in different sizes?

    • A: I’m only selling the sizes I have right now.
  10. Q: Why are you selling these clothes?

    • A: I don’t wear them anymore, and they’re still in good condition.


Seller: Hi, are you interested in buying some clothes? I have a few items for sale.

Buyer: Sure! What are you selling?

Seller: I’m selling these jackets, pants, and a couple of dresses. Everything is in great condition.

Buyer: How much are you asking for this jacket?

Seller: I’m asking for $30, but I can lower the price if you’re interested.

Buyer: Can I try it on?

Seller: Of course, the dressing room is right over there.

Buyer: It fits well! Would you take $25 for it?

Seller: I can do $25. Do you want to buy anything else?

Buyer: I’ll think about it. I might take another look at the dresses later.

Seller: Sounds good. Just let me know!


"Selling Clothes at the Market"

Maria had a lot of clothes she didn’t wear anymore, so she decided to sell them at the weekend market. She gathered jackets, dresses, and jeans that were still in good condition and set up a small stall. As people walked by, Maria invited them to take a look at the items she was selling.

One customer asked, “How much for this leather jacket?” Maria replied, “I’m asking $50 for it, but I’m open to offers.” The customer tried on the jacket and liked it. “It fits perfectly,” she said. After a little negotiation, they agreed on $45.

Later, another customer approached Maria’s stall and asked if there were any discounts. Maria smiled and said, “Yes, I’m offering 10% off on these jeans.” The customer appreciated the discount and bought two pairs of jeans.

By the end of the day, Maria had sold most of her clothes. She was happy to make some extra money and give her clothes a new home.

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