

 In this lesson, students will learn how to talk about skipping breakfast and its impact on daily life. The topic includes discussing reasons why people skip breakfast, the consequences of not eating in the morning, and how to express opinions about this common habit. The lesson also includes key vocabulary, phrases, and useful expressions for describing routines and health habits.

Grammar Focus:

  1. Present Simple Tense (for routines and habits):

    • Example: "I usually skip breakfast during the week."
    • Example: "She never skips breakfast."
  2. Present Perfect (for past experiences):

    • Example: "I have skipped breakfast many times."
    • Example: "He has never skipped a meal before."
  3. Modal verbs (should, shouldn’t, must, might):

    • Example: "You shouldn’t skip breakfast."
    • Example: "Skipping breakfast might make you feel tired later."


  1. Skip – to not do something that you usually do (in this case, breakfast).
  2. Meal – any of the regular daily occasions when food is eaten (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
  3. Energy – the strength and vitality needed for physical or mental activity.
  4. Hunger – the feeling of needing or wanting food.
  5. Metabolism – the chemical processes in the body that convert food into energy.
  6. Breakfast – the first meal of the day, typically eaten in the morning.
  7. Routine – a sequence of actions regularly followed.
  8. Snack – a small amount of food eaten between meals.
  9. Fast – to not eat food for a certain period of time.
  10. Nutrient – a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and health.

Useful Expressions:

  1. "I usually skip breakfast on weekdays."
  2. "Skipping breakfast can make you feel tired."
  3. "Eating breakfast gives you energy for the day."
  4. "I prefer a light breakfast or just coffee."
  5. "You should have a nutritious breakfast."
  6. "If I skip breakfast, I feel hungry by noon."
  7. "Some people skip breakfast to lose weight."
  8. "Breakfast is an important meal of the day."
  9. "Skipping meals can slow down your metabolism."
  10. "I never skip breakfast. It’s my favorite meal."


  1. I usually skip breakfast because I’m in a rush.
  2. Skipping breakfast makes me feel tired and sluggish.
  3. She never skips breakfast because it’s important to her.
  4. I have skipped breakfast many times, but I don’t feel good when I do.
  5. If you skip breakfast, you might overeat later.
  6. Breakfast helps me start the day with energy.
  7. Skipping breakfast is a common habit for many busy people.
  8. Eating something in the morning can improve concentration.
  9. When I skip breakfast, I tend to snack more during the day.
  10. Skipping meals can have a negative effect on your metabolism.

Questions and Answers:

Q1: Why do some people skip breakfast?
A1: Some people skip breakfast because they don’t have time, they’re not hungry in the morning, or they want to lose weight.

Q2: What happens if you skip breakfast?
A2: If you skip breakfast, you might feel tired, less focused, and very hungry later in the day.

Q3: Is skipping breakfast bad for your health?
A3: It can be. Skipping breakfast regularly can lead to overeating later and a slower metabolism.

Q4: What do you usually eat for breakfast?
A4: I usually have eggs and toast or a bowl of cereal.

Q5: How can you make time for breakfast?
A5: You can prepare something quick the night before or choose simple meals like yogurt or a smoothie.


Person 1: Do you always eat breakfast?
Person 2: Not always. Sometimes I skip breakfast when I’m in a rush.
Person 1: Really? Doesn’t it make you feel tired later?
Person 2: Yeah, it does, but I usually grab a snack in the middle of the morning. What about you?
Person 1: I never skip breakfast. I need it to start my day.
Person 2: That’s smart. I should try to eat something in the morning, even if it’s small.
Person 1: You should! It gives you energy and helps you stay focused.


Why You Shouldn’t Skip Breakfast

Many people skip breakfast, either because they don’t have enough time in the morning or they’re not hungry. While skipping breakfast might seem like a good way to save time or cut calories, it can have some negative effects on your health.

Breakfast is often called "the most important meal of the day" because it provides your body with the energy and nutrients it needs to start the day. When you skip breakfast, you might feel tired, less focused, and even irritable. This is because your body has gone without food for several hours during the night, and it needs fuel to function properly in the morning.

Some people skip breakfast as part of a diet plan, thinking it will help them lose weight. However, skipping breakfast can actually lead to overeating later in the day, as hunger builds up. It can also slow down your metabolism, making it harder to burn calories.

If you find it difficult to eat a large breakfast, try something small and quick, like a piece of fruit, yogurt, or a smoothie. Even a little food can help you stay energized throughout the morning.

So, the next time you think about skipping breakfast, remember that your body needs fuel to keep you going. Starting the day with a healthy meal can improve your focus, energy levels, and overall well-being.

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