

 Packing is an important part of preparing for a trip. Some people love packing because it helps them get ready and feel excited about traveling. Others do not enjoy it because they find it stressful or boring. When you pack, you need to decide what clothes, shoes, and personal items to take with you. It is important to check the weather at your destination and think about what activities you will do.

For example:

  • If you are going to the beach, you should pack a swimsuit, sunglasses, and sunscreen.

  • If you are going to a cold place, you need to bring warm clothes like jackets, scarves, and gloves.

Packing can be fun if you plan ahead and make a list. It helps you avoid forgetting important things. Do you like to pack? Why or why not?


Using "like" and "don't like" to express preferences

We use like and don't like to talk about things we enjoy or dislike.

  • Positive: I like packing my suitcase.

  • Negative: I don’t like packing heavy bags.

  • Question: Do you like to pack?

  • Short answer: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Using "because" to explain reasons

  • I like to pack because it makes me excited for my trip.

  • I don’t like packing because it takes a lot of time.

Using "should" for advice

  • You should pack light if you are taking a short trip.

  • You should bring a raincoat if the weather forecast says rain.


  1. Pack – To put things in a bag or suitcase for a trip.

  2. Suitcase – A large bag used for traveling.

  3. Luggage – Bags or suitcases that you take when you travel.

  4. Checklist – A list of things to remember or do.

  5. Essential – Something very important or necessary.

  6. Lightweight – Not heavy.

  7. Overpack – To pack too many things.

  8. Fold – To bend clothes neatly before putting them in a bag.

  9. Unpack – To take things out of a suitcase.

  10. Organize – To arrange things in order.


  • I need to pack my suitcase.

  • I always make a checklist before packing.

  • Don’t forget to pack your passport!

  • I prefer to travel light.

  • I packed too much!

  • You should bring comfortable shoes.

  • Where is my luggage?

  • I love packing for vacations!

  • Packing is stressful for me.

  • Let’s check the weather before we pack.



  • I like to pack my suitcase before a trip.

  • Packing can be fun if you are organized.

  • I always pack my clothes neatly.


  • I don’t like packing heavy bags.

  • Packing at the last minute is stressful.

  • I never overpack because I prefer to travel light.

Questions and Answers

  • Do you like to pack?Yes, I do! It makes me feel ready.

  • Why don’t you like to pack?Because I always forget something!

  • Should I bring a jacket?Yes, you should. It might be cold.


Emma: Hi, Jake! Are you ready for the trip?

Jake: Almost! I still need to pack my suitcase.

Emma: Do you like packing?

Jake: Not really. I always forget something!

Emma: I love packing! It makes me excited for the trip. Do you need help?

Jake: Yes, please! What should I pack?

Emma: Check the weather first. It’s going to be warm, so pack light clothes.

Jake: Good idea! I’ll bring my sunglasses and sandals.

Emma: Don’t forget sunscreen!

Jake: Thanks, Emma! You’re a great travel planner!


Packing for a Trip

Sophia is going on a vacation to Spain. She loves traveling, but she does not like packing. She always makes a checklist before she packs. First, she checks the weather. It will be sunny and warm, so she packs light clothes, sunglasses, and sandals. She also packs her passport and some money.

Sophia’s friend, Mia, calls her and asks, "Do you like to pack?" Sophia says, "No, I don’t! It takes too long!" Mia gives her a tip: "Pack only what you need and roll your clothes to save space." Sophia follows Mia’s advice and finishes packing in 30 minutes. Now, she is ready for her trip!

Questions and Answers

  1. Where is Sophia going on vacation?

    • She is going to Spain.

  2. What does she pack?

    • She packs light clothes, sunglasses, and sandals.

  3. Why does she not like packing?

    • Because it takes too long.

  4. What advice does Mia give her?

    • Mia tells her to pack only what she needs and roll her clothes.

  5. How long does it take Sophia to finish packing?

    • 30 minutes.

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