The phrase "He was born in..." is used to talk about the place or time someone came into the world. When we use this phrase, we are talking about the past.
For example:
He was born in Spain.
She was born in 1995.
They were born in Canada.
The verb "to be born" is always used in the past simple because birth is a completed event. We usually use "was" for singular subjects (he, she, it) and "were" for plural subjects (they, we, you).
To form sentences with "was born" or "were born", we use the past simple of the verb "to be" + "born".
✅ Affirmative:
He was born in France.
They were born in 2000.
❌ Negative:
He was not (wasn’t) born in the USA.
They were not (weren’t) born in January.
❓ Questions:
Was she born in Mexico? → Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t.
Were you born in December? → Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.
Birth – The event of being born.
Place – A location where something happens.
Date – A specific day, month, and year.
Country – A nation with its own government.
City – A large town.
Hospital – A place where people receive medical care.
Parents – A mother and father.
Nationality – The country someone belongs to.
Childhood – The period of life when you are a child.
Certificate – An official document, like a birth certificate.
I was born in…
She was born on (date).
Where were you born?
He wasn’t born in (country).
They were born in (city).
Was she born in (year)?
I was born and raised in (place).
My parents told me I was born at (hospital).
✅ Positive Sentences:
He was born in Argentina.
She was born in 2001.
We were born in Canada.
❌ Negative Sentences:
He wasn’t born in Germany.
She wasn’t born in July.
They weren’t born in Mexico.
❓ Questions & Answers:
Was he born in Spain? → Yes, he was.
Were they born in 1999? → No, they weren’t.
Where was she born? → She was born in Italy.
When were you born? → I was born in April.
Anna: Hi, Mark! Where were you born?
Mark: Hi, Anna! I was born in London. What about you?
Anna: I was born in New York. Were you born in a big hospital?
Mark: Yes, I was born at St. Mary’s Hospital. How about you?
Anna: I was born in a small clinic in Brooklyn.
Mark: That’s interesting! Were your parents born in New York too?
Anna: No, they weren’t. My parents were born in California.
"A Special Birthday"
Maria was born in a small town in Italy. She was born on March 15, 1998. Her parents were very happy when she was born. Maria was born in a small hospital near her house. Her mother always tells her the story of the day she was born. It was a rainy day, and her father was very nervous. When Maria was born, the doctors said she was a very healthy baby.
Maria grew up in Italy, but when she was ten years old, her family moved to Canada. Many people ask her, "Where were you born?" and she always says, "I was born in Italy, but I grew up in Canada."
Where was Maria born?
She was born in Italy.
When was she born?
She was born on March 15, 1998.
Was she born in a big hospital?
No, she was born in a small hospital.
Where did she grow up?
She grew up in Canada.
How old was she when she moved?
She was ten years old.