A pioneer is someone who does something first. An inventor creates new things. An explorer travels to new places. A scientist studies the world. A researcher investigates to learn more. An ambassador represents a country.
For example:
The Wright brothers were pioneers of aviation.
Thomas Edison was a great inventor.
Christopher Columbus was an explorer.
Marie Curie was a scientist.
A researcher studies diseases.
An ambassador speaks for their country.
These people change the world with their work.
Present Simple Tense
Positive: An inventor creates new things.
Negative: A scientist does not guess; they study.
Question: Does an explorer travel to new places?
Past Simple Tense
Positive: Marie Curie discovered radium.
Negative: Christopher Columbus did not travel to Asia.
Question: Did Thomas Edison invent the light bulb?
Pioneer - A person who does something first.
Inventor - A person who creates new things.
Explorer - A person who travels to unknown places.
Scientist - A person who studies the natural world.
Researcher - A person who investigates information.
Ambassador - A person who represents their country.
Discovery - Something new that is found.
Innovation - A new idea or method.
Experiment - A test to find out something new.
Achievement - A great success.
Who invented the telephone?
Scientists work in laboratories.
Explorers travel to unknown places.
Marie Curie was a great scientist.
An ambassador speaks for their country.
Positive: A pioneer opens new opportunities.
Negative: An ambassador does not work alone.
Question: Does an explorer need a map?
Answer: Yes, an explorer needs a map.
Anna: Hi, Mark! Do you know who invented the light bulb?
Mark: Yes! Thomas Edison invented it.
Anna: Wow! He was a great inventor.
Mark: Yes, and Marie Curie was a great scientist!
Anna: What did she discover?
Mark: She discovered radium.
Anna: That is amazing!
Famous Pioneers and Inventors
Many people have changed the world. The Wright brothers were pioneers of aviation. They built the first airplane. Thomas Edison was a famous inventor. He invented the light bulb and the phonograph. Marie Curie was a great scientist. She discovered radium and polonium. Christopher Columbus was an explorer. He traveled to America in 1492. Ambassadors work for their countries. They help build relationships between nations. Researchers study many things, from medicine to history.
Who were pioneers of aviation? (The Wright brothers.)
What did Thomas Edison invent? (The light bulb and the phonograph.)
What did Marie Curie discover? (Radium and polonium.)
Who was an explorer in 1492? (Christopher Columbus.)
What does an ambassador do? (Represents their country.)