A generous person is someone who gives or helps others without expecting anything in return. Generosity can be shown in many ways, such as sharing food, helping a friend, or giving to those in need. People can be generous with their time, money, or kindness.
Tom gave his lunch to a classmate who forgot his. Tom was generous.
Lisa donated her old clothes to a charity. She was very generous.
Mark helped an old woman carry her groceries. He was generous with his time.
Past Simple for Descriptions
We use the past simple tense to describe generous actions in the past.
Subject + was/were + adjective
Subject + verb (past form) + object
She was generous when she helped her friend.
They were generous because they donated books.
He gave money to a charity last week.
Asking about generosity in the past
We use "when" to ask about past generosity.
When + was/were + subject + adjective?
When + did + subject + verb (base form)?
When was he generous? → He was generous when he helped his friend.
When did she donate money? → She donated money last month.
Generous – Willing to give or help others.
Donate – To give something to help others.
Kind – Being nice and caring.
Share – To let someone else use or have part of something.
Gift – Something given to another person.
Help – To assist someone.
Time – Moments spent doing something for others.
Charity – An organization that helps people in need.
Money – Used to buy things or to give to others.
Support – To help someone emotionally or financially.
He was generous when he shared his lunch.
She donated her books to the library.
When was the last time you helped someone?
Giving to others makes us happy.
She always thinks of others first.
Helping a friend is an act of kindness.
They gave money to a good cause.
Being generous is a great quality.
Can you share your food with me?
She spent time helping her little brother.
He was generous when he gave his seat to an old man.
She donated clothes to the poor.
They shared their food with us.
He was not generous with his time.
She didn’t donate any money to charity.
They didn’t help their neighbors.
Questions and Answers:
When was she generous? → She was generous when she helped her sister with homework.
Did he donate to charity? → Yes, he did.
Was she generous last week? → No, she wasn’t.
Who is the most generous person you know? → My grandmother. She always gives food to those in need.
Emma: Hi, Jack! When was the last time you did something generous?
Jack: Hi, Emma! Yesterday, I helped my neighbor carry her groceries.
Emma: That was really nice! How did she react?
Jack: She was very happy and thanked me a lot.
Emma: That’s great! I think being generous makes people feel good.
Jack: Yes! It makes me feel happy too.
The Generous Girl
Anna was a very generous girl. One day, she saw a hungry dog on the street. She had a sandwich in her bag, and instead of eating it, she gave it to the dog. The next day, she saw an old man carrying heavy bags. She ran to help him. He smiled and said, "Thank you, young lady." Anna always tried to be kind and helpful to others.
What did Anna give to the hungry dog?
Who did Anna help the next day?
How did the old man react?
She gave the dog a sandwich.
She helped an old man carry heavy bags.
He smiled and thanked her.