

 Shopping habits refer to the way people buy things, including how often, where, and what they like to purchase. Some people shop every day, while others shop only when necessary. Some prefer shopping in malls, while others like online shopping.

For example:

  • "I go shopping every weekend." → The person shops regularly.
  • "She only buys clothes when there is a discount." → She waits for sales.
  • "They prefer online shopping." → They shop on the internet instead of in stores.

In this lesson, students will learn how to describe shopping habits, use adverbs of frequency, and talk about preferences.


To describe shopping habits, we use adverbs of frequency (always, usually, sometimes, rarely, never).


Subject + adverb of frequency + verb + object.

"I always buy groceries on Saturdays."
"She usually shops online."
"They sometimes buy expensive clothes."
"He rarely goes to the mall."
"I never buy second-hand items."


  1. Mall – A large shopping center.
    Example: "We go to the mall every weekend."

  2. Discount – A lower price or special offer.
    Example: "She only shops when there are discounts."

  3. Online shopping – Buying products on the internet.
    Example: "I prefer online shopping."

  4. Impulse buying – Buying things without planning.
    Example: "He does a lot of impulse buying."

  5. Bargain – A good deal or low price.
    Example: "This jacket was a bargain!"

  6. Luxury items – Expensive, high-quality products.
    Example: "She likes to buy luxury items."

  7. Grocery shopping – Buying food and household items.
    Example: "I do grocery shopping once a week."

  8. Customer – A person who buys something.
    Example: "The customer asked for a refund."

  9. Shopaholic – A person who loves shopping.
    Example: "My sister is a shopaholic!"

  10. Second-hand – Used items, not new.
    Example: "He likes to buy second-hand clothes."


  • "I usually shop on weekends."
  • "She never buys expensive clothes."
  • "Do you prefer shopping online or in stores?"
  • "I always look for discounts."
  • "He rarely shops for clothes."
  • "They sometimes buy second-hand items."
  • "I prefer to go shopping alone."
  • "She enjoys window shopping."
  • "He spends a lot of money on clothes."
  • "I love finding bargains!"


Positive Sentences

  • "I always buy fresh vegetables at the market."
  • "She usually shops for clothes at the mall."
  • "They sometimes go shopping after work."

Negative Sentences

  • "I never buy luxury brands."
  • "He doesn’t shop online often."
  • "They rarely spend a lot of money on clothes."


  • "How often do you go shopping?"
  • "Do you prefer online shopping or in-store shopping?"
  • "Where do you usually buy groceries?"


  • "I go shopping every Saturday."
  • "I prefer shopping online."
  • "I usually shop at the supermarket."


Scene: Anna and Mark are talking about shopping habits.

Anna: How often do you go shopping?
Mark: I usually go shopping once a week. What about you?
Anna: I love shopping, so I go twice a week. Do you shop online?
Mark: Sometimes. I prefer buying clothes in stores.
Anna: I love online shopping! It’s so easy.

READING: "Emily's Shopping Habits"

Emily loves shopping, but she is very careful with her money. She usually goes shopping once a month. She prefers buying clothes online because it is cheaper and more convenient.

However, she always checks for discounts and sales before buying anything. She never buys expensive luxury items. Instead, she looks for bargains and sometimes buys second-hand clothes.

Emily also enjoys window shopping with her friends. They rarely buy anything, but they love looking at new fashion trends.


  1. Q: How often does Emily go shopping?
    A: She usually goes shopping once a month.

  2. Q: Where does she prefer to buy clothes?
    A: She prefers buying clothes online.

  3. Q: Does she buy luxury items?
    A: No, she never buys luxury items.

  4. Q: What does she check before buying?
    A: She checks for discounts and sales.

  5. Q: Does she enjoy window shopping?
    A: Yes, she enjoys window shopping with her friends.

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