

In this topic, students will learn how to express emotions and physical states, using simple sentences to describe situations where they feel specific ways, such as shy, hungry, sick, or embarrassed. By practicing these expressions, students will gain confidence in sharing their feelings and recognizing how different situations impact them. This lesson includes vocabulary, grammar, and practical examples to help learners communicate effectively about their emotions and states.


1. The Verb "To Be" with Emotions and States

  • Structure: Subject + am/is/are + adjective
    • Use "am" for "I," "is" for singular third person, and "are" for plural subjects and "you."


  • "I am hungry."
  • "She is shy."
  • "We are sick."

2. Negative Form

  • Structure: Subject + am not/isn’t/aren’t + adjective


  • "I am not embarrassed."
  • "He isn’t hungry."
  • "They aren’t shy."

3. Questions

  • Structure: Am/Is/Are + subject + adjective?


  • "Are you sick?"
  • "Is she shy in new places?"
  • "Am I embarrassed right now?"

4. Using "When" to Describe Situations

  • Combine an emotion/state with a specific situation using "when."
    • Structure: I am + adjective + when + situation.


  • "I am hungry when I don’t eat breakfast."
  • "She is shy when she meets new people."
  • "They are sick when the weather changes."


  1. Shy: Feeling nervous or uncomfortable in social situations.
    Example: "I am shy in large groups."

  2. Hungry: Wanting or needing food.
    Example: "I feel hungry in the afternoon."

  3. Sick: Feeling unwell or ill.
    Example: "He is sick today."

  4. Embarrassed: Feeling uncomfortable or ashamed.
    Example: "I feel embarrassed when I make mistakes."

  5. Tired: Feeling in need of rest.
    Example: "We are tired after a long day."

  6. Happy: Feeling pleased or joyful.
    Example: "She is happy when she listens to music."

  7. Sad: Feeling unhappy or upset.
    Example: "He feels sad when he loses a game."

  8. Excited: Feeling very enthusiastic or eager.
    Example: "I feel excited when I travel."

  9. Worried: Feeling anxious or concerned.
    Example: "They are worried about the exam."

  10. Confident: Feeling sure about yourself or your abilities.
    Example: "She feels confident when she practices."


  • "I feel shy when I meet new people."
  • "He gets embarrassed when he makes a mistake."
  • "Are you hungry? Let’s eat something."
  • "She is sick because of the cold weather."
  • "I’m happy when I spend time with my friends."
  • "They are tired after working all day."
  • "I don’t feel embarrassed easily."
  • "Do you feel sick? You should rest."
  • "I feel excited when I go to the beach."
  • "Why are you shy? You’re doing great!"


Positive Sentences

  • "I feel shy when I speak in front of a crowd."
  • "She is hungry because she skipped lunch."
  • "They are sick after walking in the rain."

Negative Sentences

  • "I am not shy in small groups."
  • "He isn’t hungry right now."
  • "We aren’t embarrassed by our mistakes."


  • "Are you shy around new people?"
  • "Is he hungry after his workout?"
  • "Why are they embarrassed?"


  • "Yes, I feel shy in big groups."
  • "No, I’m not hungry. I already ate."
  • "She’s embarrassed because she forgot her lines."


Scene: Two friends talking after a school presentation.

Sophia: Hey, Jake! How are you feeling?
Jake: Honestly, I feel shy when I speak in front of the class.
Sophia: Really? I think you did great!
Jake: Thanks, but I get so embarrassed when I forget my words.
Sophia: Don’t worry! Everyone gets nervous sometimes.
Jake: I know. How about you? Were you nervous?
Sophia: A little, but I feel confident when I practice a lot.
Jake: That’s a good idea. Next time, I’ll practice more.


"Emma’s Busy Day"

Emma had a busy day at school. In the morning, she felt shy because she had to talk to her new classmates. During lunch, she was very hungry because she didn’t eat breakfast. After school, Emma felt tired from running in gym class.

When she got home, her little brother made a joke, and Emma felt happy again. Later, she spilled juice on her homework and felt embarrassed. Emma told herself, “It’s okay. Tomorrow will be a better day.”


  1. Q: Why did Emma feel shy in the morning?
    A: She felt shy because she had to talk to her new classmates.

  2. Q: Why was Emma hungry during lunch?
    A: She was hungry because she didn’t eat breakfast.

  3. Q: What made Emma tired after school?
    A: Running in gym class made her tired.

  4. Q: How did Emma feel after her little brother made a joke?
    A: She felt happy.

  5. Q: Why did Emma feel embarrassed?
    A: She felt embarrassed because she spilled juice on her homework.

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