

 Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who is famous for his voyages to the Americas. In 1492, he sailed from Spain with three ships: the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María. He wanted to find a new route to Asia, but instead, he arrived in the Caribbean. His journey changed history, as it led to European exploration and colonization of the Americas.


  • Christopher Columbus was an explorer.

  • He made four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean.

  • His first voyage was in 1492.

His voyages were important because they connected Europe and the Americas for the first time in history.


We use the past simple to talk about Columbus’s voyages.



  • He sailed in 1492.

  • Columbus discovered new lands.

  • The ships arrived in the Caribbean.


  • He didn’t reach Asia.

  • They didn’t have modern maps.

  • He wasn’t the first person in America.


  • When did he sail?He sailed in 1492.

  • Did he reach India?No, he didn’t.

  • Where did he arrive?He arrived in the Caribbean.


  1. Explorer – A person who travels to discover new places.

  2. Voyage – A long journey by sea.

  3. Ship – A large boat used for traveling on water.

  4. Sail – To travel by boat using the wind.

  5. Route – The path taken to go somewhere.

  6. Land – An area of ground, not water.

  7. Discovery – Finding something for the first time.

  8. Crew – A group of people working on a ship.

  9. Map – A drawing that shows land and water.

  10. History – The study of past events.


  • He set sail from Spain.

  • They discovered new lands.

  • His voyage was very important.

  • They traveled across the ocean.

  • He changed history.


Positive Sentences:

  • Columbus sailed in 1492.

  • He had three ships.

  • They arrived in the Caribbean.

Negative Sentences:

  • He didn’t reach India.

  • They didn’t travel by plane.

  • The voyage wasn’t easy.

Questions & Answers:

  • When did Columbus travel?He traveled in 1492.

  • Did he find gold?No, he didn’t find much gold.

  • Where did he think he arrived?He thought he was in Asia.


Emma: Who was Christopher Columbus?

David: He was an explorer from Italy.

Emma: Where did he go?

David: He sailed to the Caribbean in 1492.

Emma: Did he know he found a new continent?

David: No, he thought he was in Asia!


"Christopher Columbus and His First Voyage"

In 1492, Christopher Columbus left Spain with three ships: the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María. He wanted to find a faster route to Asia. After sailing for more than two months, he saw land. He arrived in the Caribbean but thought he was in Asia. He met the local people and called them "Indians."

Columbus made three more voyages, but he never knew he had found a new continent. His voyages changed history and started European exploration of the Americas. Today, people remember him for his discoveries and for connecting Europe with the New World.


  1. How many ships did Columbus have?

    • He had three ships.

  2. When did he travel?

    • He traveled in 1492.

  3. Where did he arrive?

    • He arrived in the Caribbean.

  4. What did he call the local people?

    • He called them "Indians."

  5. How many voyages did he make?

    • He made four voyages.

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