

 Fear is one of the basic human emotions. It is a reaction to something dangerous, surprising, or unknown. The phrase "When something scares you, it makes you feel afraid" explains how fear can affect us. Fear helps protect us from harm, but it can also make us feel nervous or unsure.

This topic teaches students how to express feelings of fear and describe situations that can be scary. Learners will practice using verbs like scare and feel, along with adjectives like afraid, scared, nervous, and related vocabulary. The focus will be on building confidence in discussing emotions and experiences.


1. The Verb "Scare"

  • Definition: "To scare" means to make someone feel fear.
  • Structure: Subject + scare(s) + object.
    • Examples:
      • "The loud noise scared me."
      • "Does the dark scare you?"

2. Adjective + Verb "To Be" for Feelings

  • Feelings are often described with adjectives and the verb to be.
    • Examples:
      • "I am afraid of spiders."
      • "She is scared of heights."
    • Negative:
      • "I am not afraid of snakes."
      • "He isn’t scared of the dark."

3. Gerunds and Infinitives with "Afraid"

  • Use gerunds or infinitives to explain fear:
    • "I am afraid of flying." (gerund)
    • "I am afraid to fly." (infinitive)


  1. Scared: Feeling fear.
    Example: "He looked scared during the movie."
  2. Afraid: Worried or frightened.
    Example: "I’m afraid of dogs."
  3. Nervous: Feeling uneasy or anxious.
    Example: "She felt nervous before the test."
  4. Terrified: Extremely scared.
    Example: "I was terrified of the storm."
  5. Brave: Showing courage in a scary situation.
    Example: "He was brave during the hike."
  6. Courage: The ability to face fear.
    Example: "It takes courage to try something new."
  7. Spooky: Strange or scary.
    Example: "The old house looks spooky."
  8. Nightmare: A scary dream.
    Example: "I had a nightmare last night."
  9. Danger: A situation that can cause harm.
    Example: "We avoided danger by staying indoors."
  10. Fearless: Without fear.
    Example: "She is fearless when climbing mountains."


  1. "I’m afraid of heights."
  2. "That noise scared me!"
  3. "Are you afraid of the dark?"
  4. "Don’t worry; it’s not scary."
  5. "I feel nervous about speaking in public."
  6. "It’s okay to be scared sometimes."
  7. "He was terrified during the storm."
  8. "She’s brave to face her fears."
  9. "What scares you the most?"
  10. "Let’s face our fears together!"


Positive Sentences

  1. "The haunted house scared me."
  2. "I am afraid of big dogs."

Negative Sentences

  1. "The movie didn’t scare me."
  2. "He isn’t afraid of spiders."


  1. "What scares you the most?"
  2. "Are you afraid of flying?"


  1. "Loud noises scare me the most."
  2. "No, I’m not afraid of flying."


Scene: Two friends at a theme park.

Anna: Did you like the haunted house?
Ben: It was okay, but the ghost at the end scared me a little.
Anna: Really? I wasn’t scared at all!
Ben: You’re so brave. What scares you then?
Anna: Hmm… I guess I’m afraid of snakes. How about you?
Ben: Spiders! I can’t even look at them.

Anna: Well, you were brave to go into the haunted house.
Ben: Thanks! Next time, I’ll try to be less scared.


"Facing Fears"

Everyone feels scared sometimes. Lucy was no different. She was always afraid of heights. One day, her friends invited her to go zip-lining in the forest. At first, she said no. "I’m too scared," she told them. But her best friend Emma said, "You can do it! I’ll be with you the whole time."

Lucy decided to be brave. When she climbed the tall tower, her hands were shaking. She almost changed her mind, but Emma held her hand. "You’re so brave, Lucy," Emma said.

When Lucy finally jumped, she screamed at first, but then she laughed. It was the most exciting experience of her life. She felt proud of herself for facing her fear.

Questions and Answers

  1. Q: What was Lucy afraid of?
    A: Lucy was afraid of heights.

  2. Q: What did her friends invite her to do?
    A: They invited her to go zip-lining.

  3. Q: Who encouraged Lucy to try zip-lining?
    A: Her best friend Emma encouraged her.

  4. Q: How did Lucy feel at first?
    A: She felt scared, and her hands were shaking.

  5. Q: How did Lucy feel after zip-lining?
    A: She felt proud and excited.

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