What | are | you | doing? | (I'm) exercising. |
What | is | he | eating? | (He's) eating pizza. |
What | are | they | drinking? | (They're) drinking soda. |
Where | are | you | sitting? | (We're) sitting in the front. |
Use the present continuous and time expressions to talk about actions continuing for a period of time in the present. | A: What are you doing these days / nowadays? B: I’m studying Spanish in NY this term. |
WH- questions are used to gather specific information and are formed using WH- question words combined with the present continuous tense. The present continuous tense describes actions that are currently happening or ongoing. WH- questions in the present continuous are formed by starting with a WH- question word, followed by the verb "to be" (am, is, are), and then the subject and verb-ing form.
Useful Expressions
What - Used to ask about activities or actions.
- Example: What are you doing?
Where - Used to ask about the location of an action.
- Example: Where is he going?
When - Used to ask about the time an action is happening.
- Example: When is she arriving?
Who - Used to ask about the person performing the action.
- Example: Who is calling?
Why - Used to ask about the reason for an action.
- Example: Why are they laughing?
How - Used to ask about the manner or way something is being done.
- Example: How are we traveling?
- What are you cooking for dinner?
- Where are they going for their vacation?
- When is the meeting starting?
- Who is answering the phone?
- Why are you studying so late?
- How are they organizing the event?
Questions and Answers
Q: How do you ask about what someone is doing right now?
A: Use "What are you doing?" For example, "What are you doing this afternoon?"
Q: How do you ask where someone is currently going?
A: Use "Where is he going?" For example, "Where is he going on his trip?"
Q: How do you ask when an event is taking place?
A: Use "When is the meeting starting?" For example, "When is the concert beginning?"
Q: How do you inquire who is performing an action?
A: Use "Who is calling?" For example, "Who is calling me right now?"
Q: How do you ask why someone is doing something?
A: Use "Why are they laughing?" For example, "Why are they studying so hard?"
Q: How do you ask about the manner in which something is being done?
A: Use "How are we traveling?" For example, "How are we getting to the airport?"
A: Hi Lisa, what are you working on right now?
B: Hi! I am working on a presentation for the conference. What about you?
A: I am preparing dinner. Where are you going after work?
B: I am going to a meeting. When is your family arriving?
A: They are arriving tomorrow evening. Who is helping you with the presentation?
B: My colleague is helping me. Why are you cooking dinner so early?
A: I am cooking early because I have a video call later. How are you planning to present your slides?
B: I am planning to use a PowerPoint. How about your call?
A: I am using Zoom for the call.
B: Sounds like a busy day!
A: Yes, it is! Good luck with your presentation.
B: Thanks! Good luck with your call.