Talking about jobs is an important skill in daily life. This topic helps students learn how to identify different types of jobs, describe what people do in these roles, and discuss job-related responsibilities. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe various professions, explain what they involve, and ask questions about jobs. This topic also includes vocabulary, grammar structures, and conversational phrases for A1 and A2 learners.
1. Present Simple for Describing Jobs
- Use the present simple to talk about what people do.
Examples:- "A teacher teaches students."
- "Doctors help sick people."
- "She works in an office."
2. Question Structures
Use "What does (he/she) do?" to ask about jobs.
Examples:- "What does your father do?"
- "What do you do for work?"
Use "Where does (he/she) work?" to ask about workplaces.
Examples:- "Where does a chef work?"
- "He works in a restaurant."
3. Adjectives to Describe Jobs
- Use adjectives like "interesting," "difficult," "exciting," or "boring" to describe jobs.
Examples:- "A firefighter’s job is dangerous."
- "A nurse has a rewarding job."
4. Articles with Jobs
- Use "a" or "an" before singular job titles.
Examples:- "She is a doctor."
- "He is an engineer."
Teacher: A person who helps students learn.
Example: "The teacher explains lessons in class."Doctor: A person who helps sick people.
Example: "Doctors work in hospitals."Engineer: A person who designs and builds things.
Example: "Engineers build bridges and roads."Nurse: A person who cares for patients.
Example: "Nurses assist doctors in hospitals."Chef: A person who cooks food professionally.
Example: "Chefs prepare meals in restaurants."Police Officer: A person who keeps people safe and enforces laws.
Example: "Police officers protect the community."Firefighter: A person who puts out fires.
Example: "Firefighters save lives during emergencies."Farmer: A person who grows crops and raises animals.
Example: "Farmers work in fields."Driver: A person who operates vehicles.
Example: "Bus drivers transport people."Artist: A person who creates art.
Example: "Artists paint and draw pictures."
- "What do you do for work?"
- "I am a/an (job)."
- "Where does (he/she) work?"
- "A (job) works in a (place)."
- "The job of a (job) is to..."
- "I think this job is interesting/challenging/rewarding."
- "Does a (job) work indoors or outdoors?"
- "What does a (job) do?"
- "Do you like being a (job)?"
Positive Sentences
- "A teacher helps students learn new things."
- "A firefighter works in dangerous situations."
- "An artist creates beautiful paintings."
Negative Sentences
- "A doctor doesn’t work in a school."
- "A chef doesn’t drive a bus."
- "A nurse doesn’t design buildings."
- "What does a driver do?"
- "Where does an engineer work?"
- "Does a farmer work indoors or outdoors?"
- "A driver operates vehicles."
- "An engineer works in offices or on construction sites."
- "A farmer works outdoors, usually in fields."
Scene: Two friends talking about jobs.
Anna: What does your brother do?
Jake: He’s a police officer.
Anna: That’s cool! Where does he work?
Jake: He works at the local police station.
Anna: Does he like his job?
Jake: Yes, he loves helping people and keeping the community safe. What about you? What do you do?
Anna: I’m a nurse. I work at the city hospital.
Jake: That’s great! It must be a rewarding job.
Anna: It is, but it’s also very busy and challenging.
"Jobs Around the World"
People all over the world have different jobs. Some jobs are common, like being a teacher, nurse, or driver. Teachers work in schools and help students learn. Nurses work in hospitals and care for patients. Drivers transport people or goods from one place to another.
Other jobs are unique and exciting. Firefighters save lives by putting out fires. Farmers grow food for everyone. Artists make beautiful paintings, sculptures, or music.
Every job is important because it helps society function. Some people like working indoors, while others enjoy outdoor jobs. What kind of job would you like to do?
Q: Where does a teacher work?
A: A teacher works in a school.Q: What does a firefighter do?
A: A firefighter puts out fires and saves lives.Q: Who takes care of patients in a hospital?
A: Nurses take care of patients in a hospital.Q: Do farmers work indoors or outdoors?
A: Farmers work outdoors.Q: Why are jobs important?
A: Jobs are important because they help society function.