When you travel to a new place, it is important to take the right clothing. The clothes you need depend on the weather and the activities you plan to do. For example, if you go to the beach, you should take a swimsuit, sandals, and light clothes. If you go to the mountains, you need warm clothes, a jacket, and comfortable shoes.
Before you pack, check the weather forecast. If it is hot, pack shorts, T-shirts, and sunglasses. If it is cold, take a coat, gloves, and a hat. Always bring comfortable shoes for walking. Packing the right clothes will help you enjoy your trip.
When I go to the beach, I take my swimsuit and flip-flops.
If I travel in winter, I pack warm clothes like sweaters and jackets.
It is important to bring an umbrella if it rains a lot.
Using "should" for advice
We use should to give advice about what clothing to take.
Subject + should + base verb + complement.
You should take a jacket if it is cold.
She should pack light clothes for the summer.
We should not (shouldn’t) forget to bring comfortable shoes.
Using "if" for conditions
We use if to talk about different situations and their results.
If it is sunny, I will wear sunglasses.
If you go to the mountains, you should take warm clothes.
If it rains, bring an umbrella.
Coat – A thick jacket for cold weather.
Swimsuit – Clothes for swimming.
Gloves – Clothing for hands in cold weather.
Hat – A covering for the head.
Sunglasses – Glasses that protect eyes from the sun.
Umbrella – An object used for protection from the rain.
Shorts – Short trousers for hot weather.
Sneakers – Comfortable shoes for walking or sports.
Scarf – A long piece of fabric worn around the neck in winter.
Backpack – A bag carried on the back to hold clothes and items.
What should I take for my trip?
You should bring warm clothes.
Don’t forget your sunglasses!
It is important to check the weather before packing.
If it is cold, wear a jacket.
Pack comfortable shoes for walking.
I need to buy a new swimsuit for my vacation.
Let’s bring an umbrella in case it rains.
I always take a backpack with my essentials.
What is the weather like there?
I take a coat when it is cold.
She wears sunglasses on sunny days.
We pack warm clothes for winter trips.
I do not (don’t) bring heavy clothes in summer.
He does not (doesn’t) wear a scarf in hot weather.
They do not (don’t) forget their backpacks.
Questions and Answers:
What should I wear in winter? → You should wear a coat and gloves.
Do you take an umbrella when it rains? → Yes, I do.
Should I pack a swimsuit for the trip? → Yes, if you go to the beach.
Emma: I am going to Canada next week. What clothes should I take?
Liam: Canada is cold in winter. You should take warm clothes.
Emma: Should I bring a coat and gloves?
Liam: Yes! You should also take a scarf and comfortable boots.
Emma: What about sunglasses?
Liam: Yes, it is sunny sometimes, so sunglasses are a good idea.
Packing for the Perfect Trip
When you travel, choosing the right clothes is very important. If you go to a warm place, like Brazil or Thailand, you should pack light clothes, such as shorts, T-shirts, and sandals. You should also bring sunglasses and a hat to protect yourself from the sun.
If you visit a cold place, like Canada or Russia, warm clothes are necessary. You should take a coat, gloves, and boots. In some places, it rains a lot, so you should bring an umbrella and a raincoat.
Before packing, always check the weather forecast. This will help you decide what to bring. Packing the right clothes makes your trip more comfortable and enjoyable.
What should you take if you go to a warm place?
Why is it important to check the weather before packing?
What clothes do you need for a cold destination?
You should take light clothes, sunglasses, and a hat.
Because it helps you decide what clothes to pack.
You need a coat, gloves, and boots.