

 Talking about your favorite TV shows, sports, and music is a great way to connect with others and express your interests. In this topic, you will learn how to describe your preferences using the present simple tense, like/love/dislike verbs, and adjectives. You will also practice forming questions to ask others about their favorite activities and preferences.


Using "Like," "Love," and "Dislike" to Talk About Preferences

  • Affirmative:
    Subject + like/love + noun/verb(-ing).

    • "I like comedies."
    • "She loves playing soccer."
  • Negative:
    Subject + don’t/doesn’t + like + noun/verb(-ing).

    • "I don’t like horror movies."
    • "He doesn’t like watching sports."
  • Questions:
    Do/Does + subject + like + noun/verb(-ing)?

    • "Do you like classical music?"
    • "Does she like basketball?"

Using Adjectives for Description

  • Use adjectives to describe TV shows, sports, or music.
    • "The movie is exciting."
    • "Soccer is fun and energetic."
    • "Classical music is relaxing."


  1. Genre: A category of TV shows, music, or movies.
    Example: "My favorite genre is comedy."
  2. Exciting: Something that makes you feel happy and energetic.
    Example: "The soccer match was exciting."
  3. Relaxing: Helping you feel calm.
    Example: "Jazz music is relaxing."
  4. Energetic: Full of energy.
    Example: "She enjoys energetic sports like basketball."
  5. Team: A group of players in a sport.
    Example: "My favorite team is Real Madrid."
  6. Episode: A part of a TV series.
    Example: "I watched two episodes last night."
  7. Instrument: A tool for making music.
    Example: "He plays the guitar."
  8. Competition: A contest where people try to win.
    Example: "The singing competition was amazing."
  9. Lyrics: Words of a song.
    Example: "The lyrics of that song are beautiful."
  10. Player: Someone who plays a sport.
    Example: "She is a great tennis player."


  1. "I really enjoy watching [TV show]."
  2. "My favorite sport is [sport]."
  3. "I love listening to [music genre]."
  4. "Do you like [TV show/sport/music]?"
  5. "What’s your favorite [show/sport/band]?"
  6. "I don’t like [type of show/music]."
  7. "The game last night was amazing!"
  8. "Who is your favorite player/singer/actor?"
  9. "I usually watch [TV show] on weekends."
  10. "I prefer [genre/sport] because it’s more interesting."


Positive Sentences

  • "I like watching reality shows."
  • "She loves listening to pop music."
  • "We enjoy playing basketball after school."

Negative Sentences

  • "I don’t like watching horror movies."
  • "He doesn’t enjoy classical music."
  • "They don’t play soccer often."


  • "What’s your favorite TV show?"
  • "Do you like playing tennis?"
  • "What kind of music do you listen to?"


  • Positive: "Yes, I do. I love rock music."
  • Negative: "No, I don’t. I prefer jazz."


Scene: Two friends talking during a break.

Emma: Hi, Lucas! What are you watching these days?
Lucas: Hey, Emma! I’m watching a show called Stranger Things. Have you seen it?
Emma: Yes, I love it! It’s so exciting.
Lucas: I agree. What about sports? Do you play any?
Emma: I play volleyball every weekend. What about you?
Lucas: I play soccer. It’s my favorite sport.
Emma: Cool! And what kind of music do you like?
Lucas: I love rock music. My favorite band is Imagine Dragons.
Emma: That’s awesome! I like pop music, but I’ll check out Imagine Dragons.


"Anna and Tom’s Favorite Activities"

Anna and Tom are best friends. Anna loves watching TV shows, especially comedies. Her favorite show is Friends. She watches it every evening after dinner. Anna also enjoys listening to pop music. Her favorite singer is Taylor Swift.

Tom, on the other hand, is a sports fan. He plays basketball with his school team. He thinks basketball is energetic and fun. Tom also likes rock music. He listens to his favorite band, Coldplay, while doing homework.

Even though Anna and Tom have different interests, they both enjoy talking about their favorite shows, sports, and music.

Questions and Answers

  1. Q: What is Anna’s favorite TV show?
    A: Her favorite TV show is Friends.

  2. Q: When does Anna watch TV?
    A: She watches TV every evening after dinner.

  3. Q: What sport does Tom play?
    A: Tom plays basketball.

  4. Q: What type of music does Tom like?
    A: He likes rock music.

  5. Q: What do Anna and Tom enjoy doing together?
    A: They enjoy talking about their favorite shows, sports, and music.

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