

 This topic helps students understand and use the present continuous tense to describe temporary situations. The sentence "She's living at home at the moment" implies that living at home is not permanent but is happening for now. Students will learn to distinguish between temporary actions and permanent states and use appropriate vocabulary and expressions to talk about temporary situations in their own lives.


Present Continuous Tense


  • Positive: Subject + am/is/are + verb(-ing).
    Example: "She is living at home."
  • Negative: Subject + am/is/are + not + verb(-ing).
    Example: "She is not living alone."
  • Question: Am/Is/Are + subject + verb(-ing)?
    Example: "Is she living at home?"


  1. Temporary situations:
    • "She's living at home at the moment."
  2. Actions happening now:
    • "She is studying in her room."
  3. Future arrangements:
    • "She is moving out next month."

Time Expressions Commonly Used:

  • At the moment
  • For now
  • These days
  • Currently
  • This week/month/year


  1. Temporary: Lasting for a short time.
    Example: "Her situation is temporary."
  2. Moment: A short period of time.
    Example: "At the moment, she’s at home."
  3. Situation: A set of circumstances.
    Example: "Her living situation is temporary."
  4. Currently: At present; now.
    Example: "She is currently living at home."
  5. Alone: Without others.
    Example: "She is not living alone."
  6. Family: A group of people related to each other.
    Example: "She is staying with her family."
  7. Move: To change place or position.
    Example: "She plans to move out soon."
  8. Rent: To pay money to live in a place.
    Example: "She is renting a small apartment."
  9. Temporary: Not permanent.
    Example: "Her job is temporary."
  10. Home: The place where you live.
    Example: "She is at home right now."


  1. "She’s living at home for now."
  2. "At the moment, she’s staying with her family."
  3. "This is just a temporary situation."
  4. "She plans to move out soon."
  5. "Is she living alone?"
  6. "No, she’s staying with her parents."
  7. "She’s currently looking for a new place."
  8. "For now, she’s happy at home."
  9. "It’s not a permanent arrangement."
  10. "She’s living at home while she saves money."


Positive Sentences

  • "She’s living at home at the moment."
  • "They are staying with friends for now."
  • "He is studying in the living room."

Negative Sentences

  • "She is not living alone right now."
  • "They are not staying at their old apartment."
  • "He is not working this week."


  • "Is she living at home now?"
  • "Where is she staying at the moment?"
  • "Are they planning to move soon?"


  • Positive: "Yes, she is." / "She is staying with her family."
  • Negative: "No, she isn’t." / "She is living with her friends."


Scene: Two friends talking about living arrangements.

Emma: Hi, Jake! Where’s Lily these days?
Jake: She’s living at home at the moment.
Emma: Oh, really? Is it permanent?
Jake: No, it’s just temporary. She’s saving money to rent her own place.
Emma: That makes sense. Is she okay with it?
Jake: Yeah, she’s happy for now. Her family is really supportive.


"Living at Home for Now"

Lily is 25 years old. At the moment, she is living at home with her parents. This is not a permanent situation; it’s temporary. Lily graduated from university last year, and now she is looking for a job. She is also saving money to rent an apartment.

Living at home is convenient for her. She doesn’t have to pay rent, and she can spend time with her family. However, Lily plans to move out as soon as she finds a good job. For now, she is enjoying her time at home and focusing on her future.

Questions and Answers

  1. Q: How old is Lily?
    A: Lily is 25 years old.

  2. Q: Where is she living at the moment?
    A: She is living at home with her parents.

  3. Q: Why is she living at home?
    A: She is saving money to rent an apartment and looking for a job.

  4. Q: Does she plan to live at home permanently?
    A: No, she plans to move out as soon as she finds a good job.

  5. Q: What does Lily enjoy about living at home?
    A: She doesn’t have to pay rent and can spend time with her family.

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